A Yoga and Pilates Studio in Hyattsville, Maryland
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I began practicing Tai Chi over a decade ago and quickly developed a passion for the art. My Tai Chi studies soon branched out into the study of other internal and external styles of Chinese kung fu (Bagua, Hsing-I, Liu He Ba Fa, and Shaolin forms, among others), as well as related studies in Qi Gong.  However, Tai Chi remains the touchstone of my practice and I have learned a variety of styles, including Yang, Chen, Wu, and Wudang Tai Chi.  For me, the challenge and the benefit of practicing Tai Chi and kung fu lies in constantly attempting to refine the body’s movement through close attention to detail and moment-by-moment awareness.  This is what makes Tai Chi a form of moving meditation in my view.  Having derived so much benefit from my Tai Chi study, I am eager to share my practice and help others to cultivate their own.   

I am also a long-time resident of Hyattsville, along with my husband and three cats, and I lived for most of my childhood in College Park. As a yoga student at Yoga Space for many years, I am very pleased to offer Tai Chi at our wonderful community studio.

carmen in china