About Yeshua
Yeshua’s Incredible Journey – and mine
In 2013 I began writing a novel about Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus.) Yes, that Yeshua! I have completed the second draft, and after talking to an editor who read through the first few chapters, I have taken her advice and will now to do a third draft. I’m still hoping to have the book published before the end of the year. The working title is Yeshua’s Incredible Journey.
There were two things that I wanted to show in my novel. First, I wanted to show Yeshua as a human being; a human being with flaws and frailties, just like everyone else. In my book, he has some real anger issues to deal with. He struggles with them throughout his life.
The second thing I wanted to do was to send him to India to learn yoga, Brahmanism, and Buddhism. Nicolas Notovitch wrote a book called The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. It is an alleged true story of Notovitch traveling through Asia, and breaking his leg on a mountain in Tibet. He is brought to a monastery to recover, and while there someone shows him some ancient manuscripts written in Pali, describing the life of St. Issa, who came from the West two thousand years ago, when he was twelve, and traveled throughout India until he was thirty. These are the years of Yeshua’s life that are not depicted in the Gospels, thus the allegation is that Issa and Yeshua were the same person. These alleged manuscripts are translated and are contained in Notovitch’s book.
I send Yeshua to India in my novel, and what he learns from his masters, including Patanjali–the person that wrote the Yoga Sutras–he brings back to Israel and teaches to his people. It’s amazing to me how different religions and beliefs are all saying pretty much the same things; just in different words. It makes you wonder why there is so much animosity between them.
There are lots of surprises and twists in my novel. Stay tuned…
I look forward to reading your book as the teachings of Jesus are
very much the heart of most of the major religions as you point out. Or rather most of the major religions meet the same deep truths.
I think Western Christianity has been so directed to reason and law that
we ignored the mystical and inner life. This is changing but it is the work you and others
are doing that will bring it too many more people.
Go for it. Thank you.