DIY Pill Pockets for Dogs very much like Greenies
DIY Pill Pockets for Dogs very much like Greenies I’ve always liked everything about Greenies Pill Pockets—except the price! They cost between 8 and 9 dollars for 30 pill pockets. That’s about 27 – 30 cents per pocket. Not so bad, perfect in fact, when you are feeding your dog pills for a short period…
Read MoreWhat Is God?
I saw this on Facebook and it spoke to me so strongly that I thought I would share it with you all. When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was: – Do you believe in God? And he always answered: – I believe in the God…
Read MoreLove Like You Are an Atheist
Love like you are an atheist? What? My niece in Vienna Austria posted this on Facebook, and it made me want to share it will all of you. It is titled: Why did God create atheists? There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question. The Master teaches the student…
Read MoreWhy Yoga Space is Always Closed the Entire Week of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving does have a dark history, and we should not ignore it. One such claim of this holiday is that in 1637 Massachusetts colony governor John Winthrop declared a day of thanks-giving to celebrate colonial soldiers who had just slaughtered 700 Pequot men, women, and children in what is now Mystic, Connecticut. There are…
Read MoreRetired From George Washington University
Most of you know that I taught at George Washington University, or if you want to get technical, it’s actually called The George Washington University. After 20 years, I decided it was enough. Over those 20 years I taught: · Yoga · Pilates · Yogalates · Meditation · Thai Massage · Anatomy for Teachers of…
Read MoreDo You Believe in Miracles?
In his delightful book Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom for a Complicated World, Noah benShea tells us what a miracle is: “…A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way.” When I was writing Fully Human: The Story of a Man Called Yeshua, I researched the bible, and thought the…
Read MoreHappy 2019
Happy 2019 Everyone. Although the scientific community will tell you that January 1 is just an arbitrary point in the revolution of the earth around the sun, beginning shortly after the winter solstice, we make it a reference point nonetheless. Here is a picture I found on Facebook the other day consisting of 48 photos…
Read MoreMy Brother Jim
My Brother Jim And the lessons he taught me, and still teaches me The story is told that when Jim was three years old, when asked what he wanted for Christmas, he said, “A baby brother!” In October of 1947, he got his wish. And I was that lucky person. Jim took his…
Read MoreYeshua (a. k. a. Jesus) Was In India? Read my book to find out
What if Yeshua, or, as he is more commonly called, Jesus, traveled to India during the “lost years?” What if he studied yoga from Patanjali, Brahmanism from the Brahman priests, Buddhism from the Buddhists, and even the Indian healing techniques of Ayurveda, unknown in Israel? Would he be thought of as a great physician when…
Read MoreThe Talented People at Yoga Space
The Talented People at Yoga Space I’m talking about you–the students who come to Yoga Space for Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Tai Chi, and community. Many of you have noteworthy talents, and this month I would like to start bragging about some of you and your particular talents. This month I’m featuring Janine Gomez, who is one…
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